Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Art Curator in Maine

Curating an ART Exhibit is a joyful and interesting endeavor. It takes time to find Artist's who can hang together in a room. The work needs to feel passionate and be well executed, it also needs to be presented in a professional manner. In addition the ART work needs to "speak", with the other pieces in the Exhibit and to the Viewer/Buyer. An ART Exhibit should be an experience that sparks conversation and thought. Commercial curating is really no different.
The next key factor is to put Artist's together who have a following, and a web presence. It is important to have mostly local based Artists who believe in themselves and promote their shows and Exhibits. When I curate an Exhibit for a Restaurant or a store I think of not only the beauty and artistic ability but also  the conversation and the overall show. It is also important to look at the bottom line and SELL some ART! When you have an Artist with a local base, their list of patrons will be walking in the door of your business and you did not have to advertise to get them there! A restaurant will sell more meals and drinks, a retail space will sell more products and an office or bank will have more local folks who become familiar with the services that are being offered.  If you have a Retail space, Restaurant, Commercial space or Office building with a good flow of traffic maybe you should consider working with a Curator to handle your Exhibits, Artists, Hangings and Marketing of each Exhibit. Send an email or give a call to 207.653.9334.
If you are an Artist and are interested in showing your work in one of kdb Curator Exhibits, please send me an email, with a link to your Website, Blog and ART FB page.
Thanks for being interested.
kdb-Karen Dominguez

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